"It's because of stress from work, Honey"

"My Wife was tired of hearing all my excuses, She threatened to leave me for another man."

Engr. Donald Ojo shares how Erectile Dysfunction made him lose his Erection and almost lose his Marriage…

Healthy, Alive And Happy

30th March, 2024 | 510,326 views

Good day, I'm Engr. Donald Ojo,

February 14, 2022, was supposed to be a memorable day, it was a Monday evening and it was valentines day.

A lot of people at my workplace were rushing home to mark the celebration with their lovers and I also was not left behind.

I went home with a colleague who lived around my area that day since I didn't take my car to work,

And all through the journey home, I was 'sex chatting' with my wife on WhatsApp,

Telling her all I'll do to her in bed when I got home, how I'll pleasure her, make her shiver and have her beg for more.

The sexual pressure was already getting very intense, and when I got home that night, my Wife was already in one of those sexy dress I couldn't resist.

We starting kissing and smooching, but when it was the time for me to penetrate and have some "real action", I couldn't get Hard

I asked my Wife to fondle with my "Ben Johnson" a little bit more trying to convince her that it was still going to get hard, but she did all she could and my penis remained soft.

I felt so ashamed, it was like the ground should open up and just swallow me, .

I didn't understand, I had prepared for the night,

Before getting home that night, I had used a particular concoction recommended by a friend,

Still I couldn't get hard. .

I tried giving my wife the same excuse I've been giving her in the past,

But as I told her

"Honey, maybe it is because of stress from work"

She wasn't going to have it this time. She said in a disappointed voice...

"Baby, you knew you couldn't satisfy me, so what was the point of getting me turned on and in the mood. Other guys I've been with before I married you were not like this"

My ego was shattered and I was down, I promised myself that I was going to find a solution to my problem.

Once again, I went back to using the herbal concoctions I had been using before, hoping to find something better. But these new ones were also a failure.

The few that worked, would give me serious banging headaches till it felt like my head would fall off,

And if it wasn't the headaches, my heart rate would become so high after using them it would seem like I was going to have a heart attack.

I stopped using these herbal concoction for a while,

But since I was really desperate and I wanted to regain the respect my Wife once had for me in the bedroom

I began to try out anything my friends and colleagues recommended

I used:


- Herbs

- Agbo

- Several Viagras

and many more "solutions" I can't even remember now,

Still there was no change in my bedroom performance. I couldn't get an erection naturally unless I used one of those drugs that put me at a serious health risk.

I was sick and tired, my Marriage was now hanging by a thread and I had wasted a lot of money on "so called" herbal concoctions for solution still no result.

But while I was looking for a cure to my erection loss, what I didn't know was that I was finding a solution to the wrong ailment.

I was ignorant to the root cause of my Erectile Problem which was Erectile Dysfunction.

I got to find out about this on a particular Saturday evening while I was scrolling through Facebook and the post I saw was about...

"How To Permanently Stop Weak Erection, Watery Sperm, Low Libido, Premature Ejaculation & Enjoy A Long-lasting, Power-surging Sex Performance"

I went through this post and it was then I realized that men with Erectile Dysfunction caused by High BP, Stress, Anxiety, Relationship Problems, etc, struggle to maintain an erection or even get erect, because they get restricted blood flow to the penis.

I wasn't even sure if I had high blood pressure or any of the causes when I saw this post,

So the following day after church service, I visited the clinic in my area to check my blood pressure reading,

And after several examination and questioning from the Doctor, he broke the sad news to me…

I had High Blood Pressure combined with stress from my work and it has been the reason I had been struggling to get an erection.

My blood pressure reading at this time was 203/114mmHg.

When I got back home from the clinic that evening, I quickly went back to the post I had seen the previous day on my Facebook about

How To Permanently Stop Weak Erection, Watery Sperm, Low Libido, Premature Ejaculation & Enjoy A Long-lasting, Power-surging Sex Performance"

Good thing I had saved the post when I saw it the previous day.

I went over the post again, so I could get a better grasp, It was in the Post I learnt about a Remedy to use in which men like me have been using to reverse their problem for the past 6 years.

Quickly, I followed the instructions in the Post, got only three pack because i have seen Shege Promax in the sight of my wife.

Week 0-1, I didn't see any significant changes in my erectile problem,

But I'm not one to expect an instant change, so I kept on following the usage instruction even though there was no physical change.

At about the 3rd week of following the instruction on how to use the product, I noticed that I was now waking up with a morning erections, this was huge for my wife and I!!!

Ages had passed since I last had a morning erection,

I was so motivated to keep taking it as instructed, since there were evidences that it works now.

As the weeks went by, my confidence as a man was gradually restored,

i worked on my Blood pressure and reduced stress, and I started lasting not less than 5 minutes on only my 1st round of sex with my wife.

I kept on following the method and I noticed that at around the 8th week, my erectile problem has drastically reduced. I was now lasting an average of 15 minutes in bed with my Wife.

I might still have been battling with my induced erection loss if I had not found this post. I'm so glad I came across this Post because,

My marriage is great now, the respect my wife once lost for me has now been restored,

She eagerly awaits when I'll make love to her now, and she constantly apologises for ever doubting my capability as a man.

If this Post I came accross has been able to help me go from a man who used to struggle to get an erection and constantly give excuses, to a man that now last a minimum of 15 minutes in bed, imagine what it could do for you.

If this Post could help me restore a Marriage that was already hanging by a thread, imagine what it could do for you too.

This is not a joke

What I am going to reveal to you has not only helped over 573 men in Nigeria & diaspora improve their sexual performance in the other room but has also saved hundreds of Marriages from crashing due to sex-cheating partners… and if you read this to the end you’ll find out how to get yours FREE


..using a 100% Natural Herbal Remedy that has been tested, proven & approved by FDA to produce results without any side effects… No matter how old you’re!

This Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee has helped men in their 30s, 40s, 50s and even 70s to perform their Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee & partners without any shortcomings…

Before I show you how this Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee stops low libido, weak erection, premature ejaculation & all forms of erectile dysfunction, allow me to tell you some of the reasons why Men suffer from low sexual performance

1 – Excess intake of Alcohol, Sugary Drinks (like coke, fanta etc) & too much smoking of cigarettes

2 – Decreased circulation of blood flow within your body due to excess fat or too much toxins in the body system

3 – Low production of testosterone which is responsible for sparking the sexual desire of a man

And a host of other reasons I cannot point out here…

Let’s face it, there are a lot of sex enhancement drugs, supplements, sprays, oils etc in the market that promise to improve a man’s sexual performance but statistics proves that about 80% of them do not work and 

The 10% that works end up leaving a side effect on your body (either a skin irritation or kidney complication etc)

And to be fair with you, none of the above listed alternatives treats the root cause of a Man’s sexual performance – they can at their best give you sexual satisfaction for a moment and will require that you use them continuously (which can end up causing you side effects)

But with this Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee, you’re guaranteed to address the root causes of low sex libido, weak erection, premature ejaculation and all forms of erectile dysfunction (ED) with pure herbs 

How Will This Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee Stop Premature Ejaculation, Low Sex Libido, Weak Erection & All Forms Of Erectile Dysfunction?

Every pack of Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee is packed with natural honey, lepeduim mehenil, liriosma ovata, ginseng & other traditional leaves, barks and roots that has been carefully picked and thoroughly processed for human consumption to help you in:

*  Improving Your Physical Stamina So You Can Last Longer In Bed – This Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee contains honey which has been proven to help in boosting men’s libido which increases the desire for sexual pleasure hence improving your sexual performance. Aside the fact that it increases libido, it also helps to restore energy, enhance physical stamina & reduce the risk of heart related diseases

*  Improving Your Sperm Fertility So You Can Easily Get Your Woman Pregnant – One of the popular herbs in this combination is the lepeduim mehenil (also known as Maca) which is responsible for boosting the fertility of a man such that when you have sex with your partner, your sperm will be active and fertile to get your woman pregnant

*  Increasing Your Sexual Performance So You Can Enjoy The Sexual Experience With Your WomanThis Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee contains a traditional root known as “liriosma ovata” which helps you fight every form of erectile dysfunction and also deals with every problem associated with sexual satisfaction

*  Improving the pumping of Blood Flow So You Can Get Adequate Flow Of Blood To Your Genitals – Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee contains the famous chinese Ginseng roots that helps to clear your blood vessels of toxins and irregularities that slows down the pumping of blood flow from the heart to the private part which makes you last longer and gives your penis a stronger, harder erection

*  Boosting the immune system & Fighting Weak ErectionWith the combination of the traditional herbs, you’re guaranteed to strengthen your immune system so your body system can fight every form of infection. It also helps to fight fatigue which is the a common reason for quick ejaculation and also improve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED) so you can have a stronger, long-lasting erection

Trust me, these same people tried different sprays, different drugs, different supplements etc for a solution but found none until this Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee put a permanent stop to their sexual problems and helped them satisfy their woman in bed

So How Much Does It Cost To Get This Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee?

NOTE: It is highly recommended that this Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee be taken for at least 1- month to get a significant result but if you don’t have the finance, you can check the other options as provided below:

Normally, each pack of Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee costs N25,000 but due to the current economic situation in the country we will not sell for such a high price (that will be too insensitive of us as a business). We will give you a Pack for Just N18,000 (Only For Orders Today Before 11:59pm)

Double Package

This Package Is For Men That Want The Permanent Solution

2 – Seconds Wahala


Want Big Gbola 

Highly Recommended Package

What Else.. No FREE Something?

Note: This Highly Recommended Package Is Based On Results From Customers. 

For Everyone that makes an order today, you’ll get a FREE Delivery To Your Doorstep Anywhere In Nigeria

NOTE: Delivery Is FREE and you can make payment on Delivery – That means you only make payment when you recieve your package in your hand

But...Wait, What If I Use Any Of The Package & It Doesn't Work?

I understand how you feel, because most marketers have told you their products is the best solution and after taking them you end up not getting results

But, with us, you don’t need to panic as if after 1 month of treatment you do not get a positive result whatsoever from this Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee OR Max Man you can call the Manager on this number 09044099872 and ask for a refund and you’ll get your money back 100%

We are so confident of the effectiveness of this product that we are sure to refund you 100% if you don’t get results

Now, This Offer Won't Last Forever...

Take Note: As at the time of writing this, the stock-keeper confirmed that there were only 38 pieces remaining..

Which means for every single minute you delay, there is another serious CONFIDENT MAN picking up your own bottle

I don’t need to tell you to Hurry & get yours but if you’re serious about satisfying your woman, making her enjoy every moment of sex with you & boost your confidence as a Man then, you should place your order now

I know you want to see your woman telling you about how much she loved the last sex you both had together and how she love to have such experience again. So if you are the man I am talking about, quickly fill the form below for fast delivery

Once you fill the form and submit, you will receive a call from our Customer Service to confirm the order. And you can get it delivered to you within 1-3 Days

Please DO NOT fill the Order form if you are not ready to pay for the Man Power Sex Supplements Herbal Coffee in 2-3 business days that it will take to get to you, or if you may travel, or be too busy to receive the delivery

Make Your Order Here

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